Dear Mat
Without wishing to be pedantic, do we think that the parole evidence
rule could in reality be relied on to keep an oral agreement out if
this was a traditional contract? I'm far from sure one could.
Kind regards
On 3/4/19, Harrington Matthew P. <> wrote:
> Dear Colleagues:
> A student posed an interesting question today:
> Assume shareholders passed a resolution, (to reallocate shares or change
> share classes). Assume that the board then did something else on the
> grounds that this other thing was discussed but not included in the actual
> resolution. I.e., this is what we really meant...
> Can the shareholders rely on the parol evidence rule to keep out evidence of
> these other discussions and enforce the resolution as written?
> In short, would the parol evidence rule apply to a shareholder resolution or
> does it apply only to traditional contracts?
> I want to say yes but don’t have any case for saying so.
> Am I right?
> Any thoughts greatly appreciated.
> Thanks
> Matt
> ---------------------------------
> Matthew P Harrington
> Professeur
> Faculté de droit
> Université de Montréal
> ----------------------------------